WONS conference Wireless On-demand Network systems and Services Conference

Wireless on-demand network systems and services have become pivotal in shaping our future networked world. Starting as a niche application over Wi-Fi, they can now be found in mainstream technologies like Bluetooth LE, LTE Direct and Wireless LANs, and have become the cornerstone of upcoming networking paradigms including mesh and sensor networks, the Internet of Things, cloud networks, vehicular networks, disruption tolerant and opportunistic networks, underwater and intra-body networks.

The challenges of this exciting research field are numerous. Examples include how to make smart use of these novel technologies when multiple technologies or a mix of permanent services and on-demand networking opportunities are available to a network node, how to provide robust services in highly dynamic environments, how to efficiently employ and operate heavily resource-constrained devices, and how to develop robust and lightweight algorithms for self-organization and adaptation. Finally, there are many application-specific challenges.

Steering Committee


Renato Lo Cigno

University of Brescia

Falko Dressler

TU Berlin

Silvia Giordano

IFIP Representative

Edward W. Knightly

Rice University

Ioannis Stavrakakis

University of Athens

Kostantinos Psounis

University of Southern California

Jérôme Härri



NextGen Ambassadors are young researchers who contributed to WONS success in the past, and are here to testify WONS quality and uniqueness

Florian Klingler

Florian Klingler, TU Ilmenau, Germany

Motivating young and talented researchers from around the world to contribute to research in the wireless networking domain to bring communication systems to a new level.

Michele Segata

Michele Segata, University of Trento

WONS is the type of conference you attend because you know the feedback you get, the networking possibilities, and the scientific discussions go well-beyond the Q&A of your presentation: this is what WONS is all about and what we will continue to rely on for its future.

Paolo Casari

Paolo Casari, University of Trento

Single-track conference, very knowledgeable people, animated discussions and one-to-one interactions with experts: WONS is definitely the place to be for wireless systems and services!

Ana Aguiar

Ana Aguiar, University of Porto

WONS offers an awesome opportunity to share your work, attend high quality keynotes, and discuss with experts in a relaxed and active environment.

Raphaël Frank

Raphaël Frank, Université du Luxembourg

The conference allows participants to discuss research with a small group of well known scientists in a relaxed environment!

Gaia Maselli

Gaia Maselli, University of Rome "La Sapienza"

A conference where you can spend enjoyable and sports moments with outstanding experts in wireless networks and systems.

Gaia Maselli

Michele Polese, Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things Northeastern University

WONS is an inspiring community event – attending and presenting at WONS comes with useful feedback from experienced researchers and with incredible views during the breaks

Mario Gerla's Memories

Mario Gerla

We all know Mario Gerla work and impact on the past 50 years of Internet research, and his continuous enthusiasm in new initiatives and cross breeding of ideas.
And yes, Mario was also among the initiators of WONS, back in 2004 in Madonna di Campiglio, Italy.
Mario has always been known for his varied interests, in research, culture, and ... sports.

A great runner, swimmer and also and avid skier he was immediately enthralled by the idea of organizing a small, high quality event joining lively discussions on recent advances in networking systems and services that explore unexplored paths, with the exploration of mountain trails and tracks.

Mario was the first keynote speaker at WONS, the one who wanted WONS to visit mountains outside the Alps too, the one who always took the chance to visit (nearly) unbeaten tracks with the skis.

We, the steering committee, honor Mario's memory and legacy, and we'll do our best to guarantee that WONS stands to the high and demanding expectations of his co-founder.

Past Editions